Guests and Visitors 

Invited visitors and guests enter the Ridge from the left lane and access HLROA by checking in with Security by explaining where they are going and presenting a valid active Driver’s License.  Only Owners are authorized to request an entry PASS from the management Office. This pass can be issued for a duration up to six months. Remember, visitors passes should only be granted to the family and friends, service provider’s etc. the owner’s / tenants trust. Security for one is Security for all!

Once issued a visitor pass, entry is still via the left lane. When the owner’s lane to the right has cleared, Security will waive up the cars with passes as they have already registered with the Association. All other entries will need to explain where they are going and present a valid active Driver’s License.

The Security System at HLROA is based on everyone’s cooperation in following the Association Rules. It’s also backed up by surveillance cameras, and HLROA’s Security team following internal Standard Operating Procedures. As a last resort, The Association reserves the right to ban access to people identified as abusing the rules.